- Private Transfers
- Local or City to City
- Corporate - On-Site Visits
- Weddings - Sport or Other Events
- Non-Urgent Medical Transfers
- Cellar Doors - Wine Tastings
- Corporate Long Distance Travel
- Tour - City, Country or Beaches
- Highly Flexible to Accommodate
- Many other Passenger Transportation Services Options - eMail us with your needs.
John Sydney Driver .com
100% Confidentiality GUARANTEED
- Fully accredited with appropriate regulator "Transport NSW – Point to Point" Booking Service Provider Accredited #401695. All vehicles fully and regularly maintained.
Established late 2004 Sydney Driver .com is a Fearlessly Independent Professional, Limousine Service | Hire Car Company in Sydney Australia
As a Sydney Driver we Operate Private and Personal, Door to Door Chauffeured Transfer and Tour Services.
Vehicle currently on offer is a First Class Mercedes Benz S Class Long Wheel Base, seats 3 passenges comfortably and the other vehicle available is a MERCEDES MiniBus LUXURY VAN Long Wheel Base (LWB) High Roof, Leather seats, Carpeted, large TV, Audio, Video & Corporate Look. We are associated with partners that can offer other forms of vehicle to suit most transportation needs.
We cover Sydney Region, Hunter Valley, Blue Mountains, South & Central Coast, Southern Highlands, as a single trip, point to point, hourly or day trips, stand-by as well as-directed, for Corporate, Business or Personal. At SydneyDriver.com we will provide transfer or tour, short or long distances. We have been on assignments for a day or multy-day tour. We have covered journeys to the far West, North West mining regions of NSW, as well as trips to Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne. We at SydneyDriver.com are flexible, reliable and affordable. 100% Confidentiality Guaranteed
We look forward to working with you for your next assignment or event that needs professional touch. Our previous assignments vary from Local & International Celebrities, World Corporate Business Owners, Chairperson, CEO and CFO, Political Leaders and Dignitaries, where extremely sensitive security and protocol need to be followed; Parents and Grandparents traveling to visit friends or relative short or long trip, Industrial transfers such as business meetings and on-site visits, legal and doctors appointments, Non-Urgent Medical Patients as well as Requering Sensitive Driving to due to the medical issue/condition that passenger is faced with.
John has Extensive Experience and Knowledge of driving in Sydney with its increasingly complex road system. During full day assignments John can be your guide, facilitator for all you needs, such as pre booking, checking on flight schedules, formulating site visits in Sydney area to save time, contacting next appointments.
Fully accredited with appropriate Regulatory Authority "Transport NSW" "Point to Point" "Booking Service Provider" - our Accreditation number is #401695. All our vehicles are fully, regularly and professionally maintained. Sydney Driver .com was started by John Milicic, a long-time customer service focused individual. For bookings, Contact John - Mobile (+61) 0408987788 or submit your request with eMail - CONTACT US
Enquiry & BOOKING Obligation FREE Quote Ask us a Question
Contact Us
ph: 0408987788 local
ph: +61408987788 outside Australia
eMail: info@SydneyDriver.com
or eMail: MySydney.1@bigpond.com
Website: http://www.sydneydriver.com
Sydney Driver | ABN #66 947 612 809 | SYDNEY | AUSTRALIA
Transport NSW (gov.) - Booking Service Provider #401695 - Transport NSW
Method of Payment:
- Prior to the day of the Journey, Trip or Transfer.
- Major Credit Card OR
- Cash or Direct Bank Transfer - to SydneyDriver.com - Invoice can be provided